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Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Over half global POS payments to be contactless within 5 years - Juniper | Latest News

 More than half of the points of purchase (53%) use contact payments in the next five years, at 15% in 2017, according to the latest study of Juniper Research.

Adoption of the US boost sharply after the "extremely positive response in Europe," while contact in the US in 2022 increased to 34 percent of transactions to less than 2 percent this year, Juniper said. The market researcher expects the United States to see a very rapid migration to contact cards when TPV will be the mainstream.

Acceptance in general has grown strongly in markets where it promoted a large number of contacts, such as Poland and the United Kingdom. The mandates of both Visa and MasterCard make all POS terminals are not many markets enabled contact until 2020. But Juniper warned that for contact payments, the US unwillingness to implement PIN poses that up to total CP profits) reducing fraud elsewhere for The migration to EMV will probably not come.

The researcher also expects merchants to accept increasingly smaller Mposa (Mobile POS) accessories to facilitate payments by linking a mobile device, as the competition is enhanced in space. For example, Juniper said the recent entry of Square in the UK will provide additional stimulus to this market. Thus, accelerate the transition of cash to cards, especially in lower value operations.

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